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Volunteers and Canopies for Rummage Sale


Our Community Rummage Sale will be returning on Fri, June 17th and Sat, June 18. All proceeds go to the Friends of Brooklyn Park Summer Youth Program. We need some volunteers for set-up and take down on the Friday, from 10AM-noon (set-up) and 6PM-7PM (take down). We will need volunteers on the Saturday as well, 7:30AM-9AM (set-up) and 3PM-4PM (take down). Lastly we need to borrow some canopies for both Friday and Saturday, we will return them on Saturday, June 18 after the event.

Please email or call (971) 808-2438, if you would like to help, donate, or get more information.

Volunteers: Fri-6/17, 10AM-12PM & 6PM-7PM

Sat-6/18, 7:30AM-9AM & 3PM-4PM

Borrow Canopy: Use on Friday and Saturday (will be locked in a storage unit over night). Please have your name and contact information on the canopy and canopy bag/case. You can drop off the canopy earlier in the week during or donation collection times at Brooklyn Park 12-8pm, or Friday morning.

Again please email or call.

Thank you,

Friends of Brooklyn Park Board



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